As fun as summer has been... once the air grows cooler... and the days grow shorter... we all know what Fall brings with the change of the season....

This is a special Sunday! One special  services @ 10 AM with a whole church cookout afterwards and the start of all our Fall 2024 Community Groups, Small Group Studies & Fall Sermon Series! Does it get any better than that? YES IT DOES! Wear your favorite sports team jersey and fill the field with your teams colors !

New Studies Launching

A new Women's Study  is launching Tuesday Nights.   Men's Bible Study  is starting a new group. See these studies and all of our weekly studies and groups by clicking below.

Community Groups

Community Groups are small groups that are at the core of our church body. We as humans were made to be in community, not to be isolated, not to just be with other Christians one day a week on Sunday. Sign up today!

Fall 2024  Sermon Series...

We hope you can join us through this series all Fall! More info coming soon!

For no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:11