Women's Ministry

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Our prayer is that women who participate in weekly bible study will walk closely with Jesus, be transformed into His image day by day, and feel connected and valued as part of our amazing church community.
 Bible studies and small groups take place every Spring and Fall at Creation Church.  Different formats have been used…some are video-driven, some are book-club style, and some are teacher-led.  

New Study Starting  1/23

Now That Faith Has Come: A Study of Galatians Bible Study

Join Us Tuesday Nights from 6:30 - 8:15PM for a six week study!

The apostle Paul didn’t plan to go to Galatia. God used a physical ailment to direct him there, carrying the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The relationship Paul would build with the Galatian converts―and his determination for the truth of the gospel to be preserved among them―led to one of the most passionate letters in the New Testament. Paul would not sit quietly by and let those who’d been liberated by Christ’s glorious gospel submit again to a yoke of slavery. He’d send a letter with the volume turned up, calling believers to stand firm in the truth, stay bold in love, and walk by the Spirit. He’d remind them what it looked like to live for God’s approval rather than human approval. The eternal words God entrusted to Paul for the churches of Galatia are as needed today as they were when the ink was still wet on the ancient pages.

Join Beth and Melissa Moore for a six-week deep dive into Paul’s captivating letter to the Galatians. Come to know the letter’s original recipients. Study its original context and embrace its timeless relevance. Discover―or perhaps rediscover―what makes the gospel of Jesus Christ revolutionary to those who choose to believe. Find out how everything has changed, now that faith has come.

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