June  24-27
5:30 - 7:30 PM

Best Week of
The Summer!

We are so excited about this summer's VBS! Kid's are going to be encouraged, challenged and have a ton of fun this year. Our theme is CANDYLAND PROGRESS! This years theme is a combo of the classic board game Candy Land & the literary classic The Pilgrim's Progress by Paul Bunyan. These events are for ALL kids who have are entering PreK* - 5th grade in the fall.  Please sign up today for a week of games, crafts, snacks & FUN! It's the best week of the summer! 
*PreK is age 4 & potty trained


Games, snacks, crafts, songs, drama... This VBS has it all! We can't wait for your kids to experience all the fun stuff that our Teams have put together. So Much Fun!

Kids Helping Kids

We will be doing a nightly fundraiser will be for a Hope For Tomorrow Guatemala  please click on the link below for more information regarding this awesome ministry. Also be prepared for your children to be tearing about couch cushions, begging for an allowance and digging into your car cupholders!